Dragon Hunters is a cartoon series created by Arthur Qwak and produced by the French company Futurikon. It follows the adventures of two hunters for hire through a medieval world of floating land masses that is terrorized by a widely varying menace of monsters known collectively as dragons. A 3-D feature film and a videogame based on the film have also been released. Its original French title is Chasseurs de Dragons.
- Genre: Animation, Action & Adventure, Comedy, Family, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
- Status: Ended
- Release:
- Stars: Rick Jones, Sonja Ball, Annie Bovaird, Murielle Naigeon, Audrey Pic, Harry Strandjofski, Alexis Victor, Frédéric Sanchez del Rio
- Duration: 00:24:14 min
- Seasons: 2
- Country: Belgium
- Quality: HD
- Network: Cartoon Network, Super RTL, France 3
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