This sitcom series premiered in 1981 and changed its name every year, from "Hong Kong 81" to "Hong Kong 86." It was eventually replaced by a new sitcom called "City Stories." A total of 1330 episodes were produced, making it the second-longest-running series in Hong Kong, after "Come Home Love: Lo and Behold". Each episode of this series is inspired by current social issues, with early storylines often satirizing society's flaws. The characters, such as "Chen Ji," "Mrs. Shun," "Uncle Mao," "Jue Wu Yin," "Miss Su," "A Wei," and "Ah Kang," mostly hail from the grassroots, leaving a lasting impression on the audience. For example, "Mrs. Shun," portrayed by Lydia Shum, later became a term to describe uneducated women who follow trends blindly. "Chen Ji," played by Lawrence Ng, is a stockbroker who loves to show off his wealth, and his behavior typified that of many Hong Kongers, becoming a byword for the city's nouveau riche.
- Genre: Comedy, Drama, Family
- Status: Ended
- Release:
- Stars: Wong San, Leung Bo-Ching, Leung Chung-Fun, Johnny Ngan Kwok-Leung, Felton Law Gwan-Joh, Lucia Leung Bik-Ling, Steve Lee Ka-Ting, Lee Ngo, Lee Shing-Cheong, Cheng Mang-Ha, Hung Chiu
- Duration: 00:26:14 min
- Seasons: 6
- Country: Hong Kong
- Quality: HD
- Network: TVB Jade
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