The story revolves around Dr. Aarti Deshmukh, a mother of a daughter, is tasked with investigating the medical systems involved in female foeticide. In front of the conscientious Aarti who does her job well, Dr. Purushottam stands as a challenge. Despite many attempts, Aarti does not find any evidence against Purushottam. Purushottam eventually uses his powers to transfer Aarti, but in the days remaining before the transfer, Aarti takes up the task of gathering evidence.
- Genre: Thriller
- Release:
- Stars: Mukta Barve, Prajakta Mali, Nitin Bansode, Omkar Govardhan, Rohit Kokate, Nandu Madhav, Sandeep Pathak, Suhas Sirsat
- Duration: 153 min
- Director:
- Country:
- Quality: HD
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